Doom The Wolf Interactive

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Doom The Wolf Interactive Inflation

Wolf sanctuaries are trying to help protect highly endangered wolves and reestablish populations in places where they once lived. It’s not all doom and gloom, however. Efforts to educate the. Search through Doom the wolf's list of characters and find the ones with your favorite features. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators.




Interactive Water Inflation Deviantart

Cristina is a very thin yellow dog girl with white fur on her frontal area. Her hair is spiky and bright yellow. She has long pointy ears. Her breasts are small and her hips are not very curvy.

Doom The Wolf Interactive Inflation


Out on the street, Cristina behaves like a tough, bad girl. Sometimes making trouble for the fun of it, encouraged by a 'friend' of hers. She resents being rejected for having small breasts when she was a teenager.
She becomes much more cheerful at home, where she surrounds herself in pop star magazines, posters of attractive celebrities and various shades of pink and red. She hopes one day a guy will accept her body as it is.


Deviantart Interactive Inflation Game

Cristina studies at the magic academy with Violet and Valentine. In the past she spent time in a two-member girl gang, but has since left to do her own thing.


In the past she had her share of battles with both Vixen sisters, but now has them on her side. Although she has barely interacted with him, Doom's fierce, dark demeanor makes her heart skip a beat. Her history of rejection has taught her to ignore judgments based on appearances, so she makes no effort to pursue him.
Cristina is Celestina's equivalent in Doom's world. Both of them are thin girls who haven't found someone special because of their body shape.