Sounds Sets For Outlook Mac 2016


Applies to:Outlook for Mac, Outlook 2019 for Mac

As an IT admin, you may want to provide Outlook for Mac users in your organization with a standard set of preferences in either of the following ways:

Apr 07, 2017 You can set a custom sound for a specific contact (or by a variety of any other specific message property) by using a rule. Open the Rules and Alerts wizard: Outlook 2007 and previous Tools- Rules and Alerts Outlook 2010, Outlook 2013 and Outlook 2016 File- Manage Rules & Alerts; Press the New Rule button and start with a blank rule. Jan 31, 2020 To change the new mail notification sound for Outlook in Mac: Open Outlook, and select Preferences. In the Personal Settings section, select Notifications & Sounds. Under Message arrival, select the sound for new email notifications. I tried this on Outlook Mac 2011 and got as far as Outlook showing the sound set directory in the drop down of the Alerts tab in Outlook preferences. However when I click on that item it says 'unable to open sound set.' Do I need to somehow change the plist for v14? — Wes on May 09, 2013, 09:29 PM UTC.

  • Set a default preference, which users can change.
  • Force a particular preference, which users can’t change.

The following preferences can be used to simplify account setup for Office 365 mailboxes, help protect company data, and support a streamlined user experience.

These keys are CFPreferences-compatible, which means that it can be set by using enterprise management software for Mac, such as Jamf Pro.

The following list shows the preferences that are covered in this article:

Mailbox settings

Automatically configure Office 365 mailbox on first launch

The email address used for Office activation will be added on first launch.
Data TypeBoolean
Possible valuesfalse (default)
CommentsThis key also suppresses first run dialogs for other Office apps, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote.

Specify Office 365 mailbox to be added on first launch

Set the domain or full email address of Office 365 mailbox to be added on first launch.
Data TypeString
Possible valuesvarious (example: '')
CommentsThe full email address or domain specified will be added in Outlook instead of the Office activation email address.

Allow only corporate mailboxes to be added

Specify one or more domains users are allowed to add in Outlook.
Data TypeArray of Strings
Possible valuesVarious (example: '$')
CommentsFormat strings as regular expressions. Doesn't remove or disconnect accounts already added in Outlook.

Hide text about adding non-corporate mailboxes

Hide the “Did you know? Outlook supports…” text in the Set Up Your Email success dialog box.
Data TypeBoolean
Possible valuesfalse (default)
CommentsOnly hides text. Doesn't impact ability to add non-corporate mailboxes.

Import/export settings

Disable import

Prevent users from being able to import archive files (.olm and .pst) and Outlook 2011 for Mac data.
Data TypeBoolean
Possible valuesfalse (default)
CommentsKey must be set to true and forced.

Disable export

Prevent users from being able to export archive files (.olm).
Data TypeBoolean
Possible valuesfalse (default)
CommentsKey must be set to true and forced.

Online meetings settings

Disable Skype for Business online meetings

Prevent users from adding Skype for Business online meeting details to events.
Data TypeBoolean
Possible valuesfalse (default)
CommentsKey must be set to true and forced.

Disable Teams online meetings


Prevent users from adding Teams online meeting details to events.
Data TypeBoolean
Possible valuesfalse (default)
CommentsKey must be set to true and forced.

Weather location settings

Specify default weather location

Set default location for weather in calendar view.
Data TypeString
Possible valuesVarious (example: “Paris, France”)
CommentsUse the format returned by the weather location search within Outlook.

Disable automatic updating of weather location

Prevent users from choosing Update Location Automatically for weather location.
Data TypeBoolean
Possible valuesfalse (default)

Other settings

Hide local folders

Prevent users from viewing local On My Computer folders in the sidebar.
Data TypeBoolean
Possible valuesfalse (default)
CommentsFound under Outlook > Preferences > General > Sidebar.

Specify when pictures are downloaded for email

Set when pictures are automatically downloaded from the internet for email.
Data TypeInteger
Possible values0 = Never (default)
1 = In messages from my contacts
2 = In all messages
CommentsFound under Outlook > Preferences > Email > Reading > Security.

Disable signatures

Prevent users from being able to create, edit, and add client-side signatures.
Data TypeBoolean
Possible valuesfalse (default)
CommentsKey must be set to true and forced.

Specify calendar first day of week

Set the first day of week in calendar view.
Data TypeInteger
Possible values1 = Sunday (default)
2 = Monday
3 = Tuesday
4 = Wednesday
5 = Thursday
6 = Friday
7 = Saturday

Enable new Outlook

Set the availability and default position of the New Outlook switch.
Data TypeInteger
Possible values0 = Switch hidden (default)
1 = Switch displayed, default off
2 = Switch displayed, default on
3 = New Outlook enabled with switch hidden

Disable 'Encrypt-Only'

Prevent users from applying the Encrypt-Only option to emails when using Microsoft 365 Message Encryption.
Data TypeBoolean
Possible valuesfalse (default)
CommentsOnly applies to the new Outlook.

Disable 'Do Not Forward'

Prevent users from applying the Do Not Forward option to emails when using Microsoft 365 Message Encryption.
Data TypeBoolean
Possible valuesfalse (default)
CommentsOnly applies to the new Outlook.

Related articles

  • 1Outlook 2016 for Mac and EWS Setup
    • 1.1System Requirements
  • 10Identified Support/Known Issues
KB 21609 Last updated on 2015-10-07 Last updated by Jorge de la Cruz
(0 votes)
Verified in:
ZCS 8.6ZCS 8.5

- This is certified documentation and is protected for editing by Zimbra Employees & Moderators only.
KB 21609 Last updated on 2015-10-7

(0 votes)
- This is certified documentation and is protected for editing by Zimbra Employees & Moderators only.

Microsoft will release Office 2016 soon, this new Office have interesting new features:

  • The new apps offer full retina display.
  • The look and feel is the same like Ofice 2013 for Windows, or almost the same
  • Outlook 2016 supports now 100% Office 365, and only works with Exchange 2010 or above

Outlook Mac Download

System Requirements

To configure Outlook 2016 with EWS for Zimbra Collaboration need the next:

  • A valid EWS license - [1]
  • Zimbra Collaboration 8.5+

EWS Requires the Proxy service installed

Important note: EWS only works if you have the Proxy role installed and properly configured. If not, you will not be able to use the EWS feature, as Outlook try to connects for the port 443, more information in the next Bugs:

Please make sure you have Proxy installed before you try to configure your Outlook Clients in OS X

First step, is open the Outlook 2016 app

Need to follow the welcome wizard

Next, press on Try it for free

Let checked the Update field, and uncheck the send feedback, you can read more about what information our computer send if you clik on the Privacy Statement link.

And, it's done!

Can import all the Outlook 2011 data, or just a .pst file, in this case, I've click on Not now.

After open Outlook for the first time, it's empty.

Is time to configure the Zimbra Collaboration account. Click on Outlook > Preferences and now Click under Accounts

Click on the Exchange or Office 365 option.

If you have the DNS properly configured, just fill the E-mail address, and the Username and Password, you can also unmark the Configure automatically and introduce the IP or FQDN (after put the IP, EWS will autodiscover the FQDN, so the best thing is have the DNS properly configured and use always FQDN)

That's it, Outlook 2016 will sync everything in our account: Mail, Contacts, Calendar and Tasks.

We can see the Outlook 2016 logo and the amount of unread messages:

One of the good news is that all the Contacts, with also the image, will be syncronized between Zimbra Collaboration and the Outlook 2016 for Mac.

All the Tasks will be syncronized as well, we can create one on the Outlook 2016 or in the Web Client, and they will sync between devices.

All the Appointments will be syncronized as well, we can create one on the Outlook 2016 or in the Web Client, and they will sync between devices.

We can connect to another Users Mail folders, if the User was previous shared with us the resource.

Just click on File > Open > Other User's Folder

Write the Username that we want to Connect, in this case User

We will be able to see all the emails located in the User account, in the Inbox Folder

When we compose a new email message, we can select the username from who we want to send the email.

One of the good points here is the ability to paste a Full Excel content in HTML, like this for example:

And we will receive it very well in the Web Client, this was an issue in the previous Outlook.

  • Please follow the official Microsoft Steps -

Outlook 2016 crash after open it

If Outlook 2016 crash after the first open, please follow this steps:

  • Open Terminal
  • Type defaults delete, to delete the old preferences
  • killall cfprefsd (to kill the cached prefs)
  • Launch Outlook

Shared Calendar

The ability to connect to a Shared Calendar doesn't work.

Sync the Signatures

The ability to Sync the Signatures between the Web Client and the Outlook 2016 doesn't work.

Verified Against: Zimbra Collaboration Suite 8.6, 8.5Date Created: 03/07/2015
Article ID: Modified: 2015-10-07

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Outlook 2016 Sound Notification

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Wiki/KB reviewed by Jorge SME2 Copyeditor Last edit by Jorge de la Cruz
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Sounds Sets For Outlook Mac 2016 Desktop